The Los Angeles Percussion Quartet is an innovative and dynamic chamber music ensemble whose award-winning repertoire, featuring newly commissioned works by California’s greatest composers, are touted as “championing composers of thought-provoking and uncompromisingly intelligent music.” (Percussive Notes)
The LAPQ’s 2012 seminal album, Rupa-khandha, broke new ground as the first 7.1 surround-sound high-fidelity recording of percussion chamber music. The quartet’s recorded performance “presents the entire color-spectrum of global percussion instruments intelligently and with great competency,” (Neue Musikzeitung) and subsequently earned the group multiple nominations in the 55th Grammy Awards, including in the prestigious category of Best Chamber Music/Small Ensemble Performance.
Throughout the LAPQ’s five-year history, their performances have delighted audiences in concert halls, museums, warehouses, and living room salons, with appearances in many of California’s most distinguished concert series, including Monday Evening Concerts, Music and Conversations, People Inside Electronics, Morrison Artists, Fullerton Friends of Music, April in Santa Cruz, and the L.A. Composers Project. Equally committed to outreach and education, the LAPQ have presented workshops and masterclasses to young musicians at the San Francisco Conservatory of Music, University of Southern California, California Institute of the Arts, CSU Sacramento/Bakersfield/East Bay, and Occidental College, among others.
Matthew Cook, Justin DeHart, Cory Hills, and Nick Terry are active freelance performers and educators throughout Southern California, and are graduates of leading music conservatories, including the University of California – San Diego, Queensland Conservatorium, Oberlin Conservatory, Northwestern University, the Thornton School of Music (USC), and the Herb Alpert School of Music (CalArts).